Uncomfortable Conversations Dialogue #2

DLA has created a 5-part Series of healing dialogues that will culminate with a deep dive at a 2-day Virtual Conference in October. These dialogues are by no means meant to be all-inclusive, but will serve as a part of an overall wholistic solution and a positive approach to harnessing our collective energy.  This will be a safe space and place to have difficult but meaningful, open and honest conversations that can become turning points and actionable items that ignite change. The goal of the series is to begin to cultivate a sustainable environment of inclusivity, diversity, equity and belonging.

diversity leadership alliance

Implicit Racial Bias

Workshop Details

We continue the series with Dialogue #2 on Implicit Racial Bias. Unconscious associations that are made based on race, culture or ethnicity are Implicit Racial Biases and can cause individuals to unknowingly act in discriminatory ways.  Discover how Implicit Racial Bias affect People of Color and what role you may be playing in perpetuating it.  Learn how to become aware of what biases you may have, how to frame and challenge them and how to ultimately over time reduce and unlearn the behavior. 

Join our amazing panel of Experts as they explore the dangers of Implicit Racial Biases and how debilitating they can be if they go unchecked and unaddressed.

Workshop Logistics

DATE:               Thursday, August 27th 2020
TIME:                9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
LOCATION:    The comfort of your home office, backyard, couch

                          or wherever you are practicing social distancing.


Zoom Registration Instructions

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
You may join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device..
(This workshop will be recorded and posted on the DLA website for future viewing)

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