Uncomfortable Conversations Dialogue #4

DLA has created a 5-part Series of healing dialogues that included a successful 2-day deep dive Virtual Conference that was just completed on October 29th and 30th. These dialogues are by no means meant to be all-inclusive, but will serve as a part of an overall wholistic solution and a positive approach to harnessing our collective energy.  These workshops are designed to be a safe space and place to have difficult but meaningful, open and honest conversations that can become turning points and actionable items that ignite change. The goal of the dialogue series is to begin to cultivate a sustainable environment of inclusivity, diversity, equity and belonging.

diversity leadership alliance



Privilege : Unseen, Unacknowledged and  Undermining Equity and Inclusion
In this workshop, participants will gain a broader impression of the breadth of differences that contribute to societal privilege.  Through exploring common unproductive behaviors, often stemming from white privilege among others, participants will further understand the insidious nature of privilege, how it perpetuates systemic racism and oppression. With an introduction to Melia’s EMBRACE model, participants will take away a strategy for their own learning journey to advance social justice and practice more effective allyship.


Melia Dunn is the CEO and founder of Melia Dunn Consulting – inclusion, embraced. Her 20-year consulting career is a commitment to un-learning dominant culture practices, shedding her savior complex and demonstrating effective allyship.  She is a diversity, equity and inclusion specialist that approaches her work with humility and examination of her own experiences from the cringe-worthy to the redeeming.  Melia has a B.A. in Speech Communication from Penn State University and a Master Inclusion Practitioners certificate from the Center for Transformation and Change. She has done anti-bias education work with the Anti-Defamation League, and served in the Peace Corps in Albania.  Melia is an unapologetic cat person who simultaneously holds dog people in high regard.


Workshop Logistics

DATE:               Thursday, November 19th 2020
TIME:                9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
LOCATION:    The comfort of your home office, backyard, couch

                              or wherever you are practicing social distancing.


Zoom Registration Instructions

First, please register for this workshop here:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.  You may join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device..
(This workshop will be recorded and posted on the DLA website for future viewing)

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